Register Your Project

Use our self-serve banner form to register your project for free.

Just fill in the correct details regarding your project, upload the different 1500px by 500px banner backgrounds you created, choose where the NFT will be displayed on each one, and submit the form.

Step 1: Fill out your projects details

Fill in the correct details regarding your project. If you already minted submit your verified creator address (you can find this on SolScan). Also, submit a featured image to be displayed on your profile. Finally, adjust the number of banners you want to upload, currently, we are supporting 3 - 10 banners per project.

Step 2: Upload your banners, and choose where the NFT will be displayed

Upload the different 1500px by 500px banner backgrounds you created. Make sure they are the correct size or it will not work. Then upload a "frame" for each background. This is where the NFT will be displayed on. We have preset frames you can download under "upload a frame".

Step 3: Finalize your designs & click done

Once you are happy with the designs you created (clicked done on each one) and have filled out the required information you can register your project. It's that easy.

After, you can open a ticket in our discord to alert us, or wait for our team to process your submission!

Last updated